Thursday, 28 March 2013

Working title for Presentation

I have come up with a possible new title for my final presentation:

Accuracy in documentary photography, and the reading of photojournalism.

 A lot of the research I am doing at the moment is discussing what makes documentary work accurate, and how to create more accuracy. At the same time, I am looking at photojournalism, and highlighting distinct differences between the practitioners of documentary photography and photojournalism, and how it all fits into an art world.

I think four key areas are:
  1. Practioners similar to Lewis Hine, who make photographs to collate evidence for social change.
  2. Practitioners similar to Susan Meiseleas and Thomas Sauvin, who aim to take themselves out of work and disregard artistic decisions to create accurate representations and true documents.
  3. Artists such as Walker Evans and Alec Soth, who create imagery in a documentary/journalistic style for art purpose.
  4. Photojournalists who create images which are emotionally charged, but become documents due to a variety of factors around their context.

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