Thursday 8 August 2013

Things I learnt at Hurricane Festival, Scheeßel, 21-23 June 2013 (PHOTOS TO COME SOON)

Foreign festivals are great if you’re unsocial
 Not speaking everyone elses language means you can be ignorant and feel fine about it! Dont want to speak to people today? You don’t have to. Because you cant say anything! Want to speak to people? your conversation starter is that you barely speak a word of the language! Win win.

There are no hipsters in Germany. Apart from me.
 We were the hipsters, gloating about how we’re at a foreign festival because its so much better than our festivals. Plus I spent the weekend walking around with a 35mm film camera, which added to the look. But everyone seemed to not give a fuck about fashion statements or fitting into some pre designated look. Everyone just dressed like normal people. And there were no loud attention seekers. Well, besides the drunk guys wetting themselves.

Rammstein will haunt me for life
 Rammstein are terrifying. huge men which dwarf the stage. A shit tonne of fireworks, pyros and smokes. And a lot of flamethrowers. Mounted to everything. The singer has such a low, powerful voice and when the crowd sings along, it really is quite intimidating. Especially when we have no idea what they’re singing. Not being able to contextualise the performance thru lyrics was especially vital, when the singer simulated sodomising the keyboard player whilst on a hydraulic platform.

Top that kiss, with your shitey fireworks.

Germans love simple and repetitive music.
 Bloc party are a shadow of the musical brilliance which they once displayed. And this was encapsulated in their “new song” which sounded like when my year 8 band wrote their first ever song. A constant riff throughout with not much change at all. But germans loved it. And later in the “discotent” the german pop punk music was predictable and, well, poppy. Even rammsteins music is pretty repeatative and simple.

Cigarettes are cool
 This was the first time I’d been abroad since I was about 14, so I was a lot more wary of things around me. I was surpised when at the aldi checkout, that amongst the sweets and chewing gums towards the counter, were also boxes of cigarettes and rizzla papers. Now this may not sound like a lot, but in England, you’re not even allowed to see cigarettes. If you walk into a supermarket here, you wouldn’t know they even exist. In germany, you could just pick them up.

 One of the festivals sponsors was actually a cigarette company. They had their own hut and bar, and several people walking around the site all day selling products. It was colourful and great! There was such a freedom about it. if you want to smoke yourself into an early grave, the media isn’t going to beat you down for it.

Tent safety isn’t an issue

 The policy with pitching tents was anywhere but the roads/lanes. Literally, anywhere. We had a small circle of tents in our travelling group. The open space in the center was small enough to only fit us sitting around. When we awoke on the first day, a huge group tent had appeared in the middle of it all. Later on that day, a man pitched his pretty much in my porch. Why not?

Nobody wanted it to end
 On the last night, an angry mob developed. Because queens of the stone age played a shorter set than any other headliners? Nah. Because the way to finish a festival is to destroy your own tent, swing off a gazebo and burn down the toilets whilst people hit tribal drums to no particular rhythm.

Germans have NO sense of humour
 What do you do with a dog with no legs? Take it around the corner.

Manners don’t exist
 Either im just really English, or germans have no sense of manners. Even walking thru crowds and brushing up against people im obliged to have a constant stream of “sorry, sorry, excuse me, sorry” most people will just pretend you don’t exist.

Trains are awesome
 Double decker trains which were quick, quiet, and on time. EFFICIENT.

But music is more awesome.
 Portishead, Sigur Ros, Arctic Monkeys and The National really impressed me this weekend. Bosnian Rainbows are going to be a force. And seeing Smashing Pumpkins is now off of my bucket list.

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